Does everyone celebrate Christmas?
No, not everyone, it depends on people’s religion and culture.
But it’s still one of the most popular celebrations in the world.
Why doesn’t everyone celebrate Christmas?
Because originally, it’s a religious festival: Christians commemorate the birth of Christ.
Therefore, people who are not Christians or believers, may not feel concerned.
A lot of people celebrate Christmas simply because it’s a family occasion and an opportunity to be together.
Other people refuse to take part in Christmas because they find it’s too commercial.
It’s true that at Christmas time, the shops are full, and people spend a lot of money on family and friends.
However, the festive and commercial side attracts countries like China, who have started celebrating Christmas, even if it’s not in their culture.
In most countries, we find the same traditions: families have a Christmas tree, share a meal and expect presents from Father Christmas.
But each country also has its specialities!
Popcorn garlands in the United States, straw goats in Sweden, the Yule log dessert in France…
All in all, 2 billion human beings, nearly one in 3 people in the world, celebrate Christmas! And this year again, for sure, it will be magical!